
Thursday, April 26, 2012

People with diabetes and pastries: the beginning of a strong and lasting friendship

The daily issue of diabetes is diabetes control.
The good news of this rainy week is that we have THE solution if you have a sweet tooth. While reading that news, we are sure that your heart rate (blood sugar as well) is getting higher… and you’re absolutely right because this is the news of the year or even the news of your life because it is about to change the way you eat.
You can’t wait any longer???
The news is composed of 4 simple words: “Le bon pain du coin”. This is the name of a French bakery located in Ile-de-France. Here is the full address (don’t hesitate to click on the following words to see where is the bakery on a map) :
We discovered this jewellery of bread and cake shop after intensive research! It is for the diabetic but also for people who care about their weight and people who don’t like sugar. Trust us! This is not a dream!!! The secret is that the baker uses fructose in his pastries instead of sugar for fructose has a lower glycemic index than sugar. In order to comfort you, we will just precise that the French baker works with a diabetes specialist. All his delights have thus been approved!

Do you want to eat a piece of custard apple, chocolate éclairs or almond cake???? Go for it!!! We are proud to say to you that it’s now possible in Le Blanc Mesnil!

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